Breuss Massage


Breuss Massage

The Breuss Massage is a very gentle Spinal Massage that safely stretches, nourishes, aligns and energizes the spine. The Breuss Massage was developed by the late Austrian Healer Rudolf Breuss and combines perfectly with the Dorn Method.

The spine is like any other living organism, which is in a constant state of ‘stress and relief’. It not only needs nourishment and rest, but also the right amount of ‘stress’ in the form of active movements to maintain its strength and function. During the day our spine and especially our ‘discs’ are stressed and they need to fulfil their duty as shock-absorbers whenever we stand, walk or sit. During sleep the spine relaxes and stretches out, and the discs can somewhat regenerate by ‘sucking’ back in the liquid they lost during the day, almost like a dry sponge placed in water. The Breuss Massage actually stretches the spine, and acts rather like a whole night’s worth of healthy sleeping. After the Breuss Massage, the Dorn Method is much easier to carry out because in this relaxed state, the spine can be more easily and painlessly re-aligned.

Duration: The massage lasts 30 minutes.


Applied Acupumture in Massage
Massage Coaching
Massage Pathology
Sports Massage
Holistic Massage
Massage First AID
Aroma & Music